[mch2022-orga] One-Day Tickets
patrice at xs4all.nl
patrice at xs4all.nl
Thu Jun 23 11:08:15 CEST 2022
Dankreactie onderaan (Oops sorry for Dutch! ;-)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 23:11:33 +0200 (CEST) From: patrice at xs4all.nl <mailto:patrice at xs4all.nl>To: "orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org>" <orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org>>
Subject: [mch2022-orga] More Last Minute: One Day Tickets?
Aloha All,
Sorry for more and maybe stupid question - esp if it has been answered earlier already. Yet:
For SHA Aldert/IFCAT (Hi Aldert, are you still there? ;-) paid a day ticket for me (most grateful!), but I am not aware od such arrangement at MCH2022 (Not for me, but in general), Hinde (co-host like me at HEU and HIP) was asking for it, an opportunity to say hello to all friends going MCH without being there all the days (people able to take only one day of (7/7) work for instance. So since I am on the orga-list, I just ask it for everyone else. And sorry again if the issue has already been addressed.
Ciao Ciao, Make Success!
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 23:29:04 +0200 From: Juerd Waalboer <juerd at tnx.nl <mailto:juerd at tnx.nl>>To: orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org>
Subject: Re: [mch2022-orga] More Last Minute: One Day Tickets?
patrice at xs4all.nl <mailto:patrice at xs4all.nl> skribis 2022-06-22 23:11 (+0200): > For SHA Aldert/IFCAT (Hi Aldert, are you still there? ;-) paid a day ticket for me (most grateful!)
There were no day tickets for sale at the OHM2013 and SHA2017 ticket shops, for the same reasons there are no day tickets for MCH2022. I think that perhaps you got access to SHA via the "guest list", which granted a few dozen special guests free access for one day. The last time there were less-than-full tickets that you could buy was at HAR2009, which had a "weekend ticket". (Personally I didn't like the effect caused by that.) I'm not sure if WTH2005 and earlier events had day tickets, but to be honest, I don't think so.
Day tickets are complicated in terms of capacity and financial planning (you need enough toilets etc for the peak attendance, which means many remain unused for the rest of the time), and have a social impact because people who only visit for a day are much less likely to "waste" the little time they have on a volunteer shift. Also, the experience for visitors is much different if they visit only a single day.
There are of course pros and cons, but as far as I know, the cons of selling day tickets outweighed the pros, and that's why there are none.
Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,
Juerd Waalboer <juerd at tnx.nl <mailto:juerd at tnx.nl>>
Aloha All,
Heel erg bedankt, Juerd, voor je uitvoerig antwoord. Claro! Ik zal het Hinde melden (Bcc).
Ik wens jullie allemaal een fantastiese MCH2022, en hou je goed in vorm and overwerk je niet!
Cheers to All, p+2D!
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