[mch2022-orga] Help needed for badge "sweatshop"

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Fri Jun 24 12:23:28 CEST 2022

Ohello MCH friends, last night i helped Pwuts plan the first Badge sweatshop and yes: there is a lot to do, but it's very do-able. 

I'll drop some details here: We're in need of about 20 volunteers. The plan is that the team preps 3600 bags of stuff (9 items including the flyer) in under 4 hours of work. The plan is a rough copy of the SHA2017 sweatshop layout but tuned to Bitlair and the new contents of the bag.

It will be fun! Expect a well thoughtout plan, with 8 stations of 2 people packing the kits. We’ve thought of ergonomics so you can do this without hurting your back or neck. Badge.team sweatshops are always a treat. It's great fun to see so much stuff move through so incredibly fast.

i've done a few sweatshops (5 and counting) and i've always had a blast. So this is for saturday july 2, and it's the first of two sweatshops

22:49:07 <Kartoffel> Can recommend! Badge sweatshopping is a great way to relax the mind and hang out with fellow hackers at the same time

the team REALLY needs the help to make this happen. You don't need any specific skill besides basic motor skill in your hands.
During the sweatshop you'll get a nice soft-drink of choice to keep you hydrated and if you're in need of a spike in bloodsugar, we can accomodate you too!
so, please please sign up right here: 

https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:Badge/Sweatshops and make this badge happen. 

And by doing so, you Make Camp Happen

Please sign up today!

Sebastius / Bas
team Volunteers

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