[mch2022-orga] Proposal re Buildup: work-hours/structure

Ruud Koolen redlizard at redlizard.nl
Thu Jun 23 18:07:06 CEST 2022

On Thursday 23 June 2022 02:13:28 Alicia De Vlinder via Orga wrote:
> > 
> > The message from Juerd reminds me of something I have seen @ EMFcamp 2018
> > and could be really helpful: A physical kanban board with all the tasks
> > written on them, in order of priority. I believe it was team deco that
> > had it, and it worked really well. If you ran out of things to do, you
> > would grab a new ticket, write your initials on it and start working.
> > When finished, the ticket went to the right with a nice X on it to mark
> > it as finished. Unfinished jobs that had issues were sent back to the
> > left with a note and name on them. Any volunteer that came in was given
> > instruction on how the board worked and was set loose. New tasks were
> > added to the bottom. All the teamlead had to do was keep track of the
> > board and keep it filled.
> Can concur that this works really well for two reasons:
> - have successfully applied this in a haphazard activist group of mixed
> skill and familiarity with this system - personal, but I often end up
> looking around not knowing what to do on teardowns (a bit less on buildups)
> and a Kanban board would keep me going ^^. It’s very accessible as a
> communication method for tasks and jobs.

Teams terrain & volunteers are definitely moving in the direction of something 
like this. We are still bikeshedding the exact variant of the system [EMF2022 
simply had a big public spreadsheet that was being maintained by the buildup 
coordinator, with a QR code linking to it saying "please pick a job on this 
list"] but some form of this is definitely in the plans.

-- Ruud

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