[mch2022-orga] Fwd: Bring and Donate
jeroen at ifcat.org
jeroen at ifcat.org
Sat Jun 25 10:45:41 CEST 2022
I also think it is an awesome Idea and I am also working on an idea for donations towards keeping Ukraine connected on MCH2022.
I can arrange many of the items that you are missing like tents for you an my problem is people to be at the place to manage and organizing this.
Can you contact me off list so we can discuss and see if we can combine our idea’s ?
From: Orga <orga-bounces at lists.mch2022.org> On Behalf Of Niels Hatzmann
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2022 10:24
To: Dimitri Modderman <dimitri.modderman at gmail.com>
Cc: Orga at lists.mch2022.org
Subject: Re: [mch2022-orga] Fwd: Bring and Donate
This is really cool! There are lots of nice initiatives, I think quite a few isps donated stuff to keep Ukraine online and there are some talks about it which should be super interesting.
Together with Ukranian friends we’ve organized a transport link with Kharkiv (on our way now). The entire thing is crowd sourced, which is a very strong system compared to the classic top down stuff.
As MCH works in the same way I’d suggest to hook up with one of these bottom up initiatives. Also happy to help and contribute to the tent!!
All the best,
Op 25 jun. 2022 om 08:39 heeft Dimitri Modderman <dimitri.modderman at gmail.com <mailto:dimitri.modderman at gmail.com> > het volgende geschreven:
Awesome idea Michael!
I think we raised 4000 GBP for the Red Cross in total on EMF. Indeed all what was needed was a tent, some tables and some crates/boxes.
Items found there varied from a working geiger counter, to moving heads with video projectors in them to, what i took and donated for: bradnails for in the nail gun.
You donate what you think it is worth or you can afford/miss. And bring items (electronics/tools/books etc) that you don't want or need anymore, clutter up your workshop etc. And it was awesome.
Hope we can do it on MCH too and can raise an nice amount of money for charity.
Kind regards,
On Fri, 24 Jun 2022, 21:57 Michael Turner via Orga, <orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org> > wrote:
Forwarding this in the hope it arrives this time.
From: Michael Turner <mjt at serviceinmotion.co.uk <mailto:mjt at serviceinmotion.co.uk> >
Sent: Monday, 20 June 2022, 23:12
To: orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org> <orga at lists.mch2022.org <mailto:orga at lists.mch2022.org> >
Subject: Bring and Donate
Following EMF Camp having a Bring and Donate tent and that it was really popular and become quite a talking point afterwards with people sharing what they had found there, plus the money it helped raise…. I’d like to propose something similar for MCH. In simple terms, donate your own hacker junk, if you find other people’s hacker junk you have a use for then donate an appropriate amount to charity and take it.
I’ve created a starter Wiki page based upon the EMF event: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Bring-and-donate
I’m happy to bring the paperwork etc to make it all happen and set it up. However I am already at my car capacity so I’m unable to bring anything more such as tents or tables. EMF used a 3m x 3m tent that was insufficient for the volume of items. Therefore it will probably need something larger such as a 5m x 5m tent (or larger) with sufficient tables to go around the edges and some of the middle (depending upon size). A sign would be good to indicate what the location is / its purpose. There also needs to be a charity selected, EMF donated to the Red Cross I suspect in support of their work in Ukraine. I don’t know if MCH has an affiliated charity that should be used, or how a different charity would be selected that might be more appropriate for Netherlands, or if we stick with the Red Cross.
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