[mch2022-orga] Who is doing shuttles?

Elger Jonker elger.jonker at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 15:58:18 CEST 2022

Someone to coordinate shuttles is still very much welcome.

There will be a transport option available during most of the buildup,
teardown and event. More details will follow this week.

Elger / Stitch

Op vr 24 jun. 2022 om 14:39 schreef Sebastian Oort <bas at knutselaar.net>

> Hi everyone, who is arranging the shuttles? We *need* shuttles during
> buildup, event and teardown to be very active. Public Transport isn't
> viable for getting to the field.
> If nobody is doing it currently, if a few people are willing to help, i'm
> willing to help out as well to Make Camp Happen (no, i'm not willing to do
> this alone). We can easily supply volunteers to drive from heaven, but
> someone needs to arrange the rentals, the pickup, the schedule etc.
> So, if you're team Shuttles, speak up! If you're not team Shuttles but are
> able to spare a few brain cycles to the problem, speak up too!
> Bas / Sebastius
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Elger Jonker
Creator, Builder, Maker, Hacker.

+31 (0)6 1342 5622 (+31 61 dial mac)

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