[mch2022-orga] Who is doing shuttles?

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Fri Jun 24 14:38:49 CEST 2022

Hi everyone, who is arranging the shuttles? We *need* shuttles during
buildup, event and teardown to be very active. Public Transport isn't
viable for getting to the field.

If nobody is doing it currently, if a few people are willing to help, i'm
willing to help out as well to Make Camp Happen (no, i'm not willing to do
this alone). We can easily supply volunteers to drive from heaven, but
someone needs to arrange the rentals, the pickup, the schedule etc.

So, if you're team Shuttles, speak up! If you're not team Shuttles but are
able to spare a few brain cycles to the problem, speak up too!

Bas / Sebastius

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