[mch2021-orga] KarTent — on Wiki or KarTent website?

hp197 at ifcat.org hp197 at ifcat.org
Sun Mar 13 01:12:31 CET 2022

Replied to through ticket system.

Henry Paulissen Schokkenbroek
T: +31611530564

On 12-3-2022 20:16, Milton van der Veen via Orga wrote:
> Since I am coming from across the ocean, I plan to rent a KarTent to 
> live in during the event — even though I have not yet booked my plane 
> ticket or bought my ticket for the event — still worrying about my 
> Corona status, being in the “older” age group. However there are 
> discrepancies in the wiki about renting.
> “Checkout” is when you are leaving.  “Checkin” is when you are arriving.
> The Wiki states: “From single use cardboard tents to pillows and 
> sleeping bags - items in this category are provided by KarTent 
> <https://tickets.mch2022.org/redirect/?url=https%3A//kartent.com/%3AGzwesq40JF8RY3wlEDqd3VogYrFSj-zHTuLou1mhmtY> and 
> will be made available on day 0 and (in the case of the KarTents) will 
> be provided completely build up - no tinkering necessary.
> “Pillows, Sleeping Bags and Air Mattresses will be offered to you 
> during checkout.“
> Do I have to pay extra for pillows, sleeping bags, air mattresses or 
> is it included in the €65 rental. Can I get them at Checkin? Or do I 
> go to the KarTent website?
> By the way, I’m expecting the KarTent “built-up”,  not “build up”.
> Milton
> Sent from my iPad
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