[mch2021-orga] Content & Speaker Desk order

jeroen at ifcat.org jeroen at ifcat.org
Tue Mar 15 22:59:07 CET 2022

Hugh/and Orga,


The Moebelhaus is only for villages and not for teams.
The Moebelhaus does not take care of the Boels order.


Details on the Boels order can be found on : https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:On-site_transportation

Please contact Manduca via email as instructed on this page for team orders.








From: Orga <orga-bounces at lists.mch2021.org> On Behalf Of Hugh Wells
Sent: Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:01
To: lumi_chan at c3moebelhaus.de
Cc: orga at lists.mch2021.org; There is no Cabal. <content at lists.ifcat.org>
Subject: Re: [mch2021-orga] Content & Speaker Desk order




Sorry to chase but would be good to confirm that you do have our order as I understand you're going to finalise with Boels this week? 


Have copied in Orga just so they're aware too, because it wouldn't be great if we didn't get any furniture for slthe speaker desk! 


Many thanks :)




On Sat, Mar 12, 2022, 4:57 PM Hugh Wells <hugh at crablab.co.uk <mailto:hugh at crablab.co.uk> > wrote:

Hey Moebelhaus, 


There was some kind of communication issue and our order from October seems not to have ended up on the list. 


Here is the equipment we need for the Content/Speaker Desk tent:


SPK chairs x20

SPK tables x10

SPK beerbench x1

CNT chairs x8

CNT tables x8

CNT beerbench x1

Sofa  x2

Hammock x5

Drinks fridge x1


Please let me know if there are any issues! 





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