[mch2021-orga] Physical (and virtual) orga meet @ Bitlair, April 16th

Henry Paulissen (hp197) hp197 at ifcat.org
Mon Mar 21 09:46:53 CET 2022

Hi All,

TL;DR https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_April_2022

Last March meet was a huge success to get more collaboration between 
teams kick started.
As such we decided on doing an extra physical orga meet on the 16th of 

The meet will be held at Bitlair again (huge thanks!) and because of the 
size constraint we ask you to add your name on the wiki page:

For those impossible to attend we also host the meeting itself on Jitsi 
(but you will have to miss out on all the inter team interaction).

Little heads up: the 14th of May we will have the next physical orga 
meet after this one, it will be held on the field.

with Regards,

Henry Paulissen
T: +31611530564

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