[why2025-orga] Gators

Julius ter Pelkwijk pelkwijk at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 11:05:32 CET 2024

Hi all,

Giving some friendly advice from SHA 2017:

If you use a fuel-powered gator, you make a lot of noise and pollution.
Therefore, it should be mostly reserved for those tasks that require fast
response times without delay. This means that when this thing is used, it
should be for a pretty good reason (emergency vehicles, etc.).

Electric golf karts are nice for fast response times too, however they are
also good if you are using it in combination with something that cannot be
offloaded single-handed, or if you are considering to run it together with
a trailer (to carry lots at the same time)

If you just need to transport containers or a single person, and your
vehicle of choice can be offloaded without issue when the vehicle gets
stuck, then consider a human-powered vehicle, maybe with a trailer (to
enhance carrying capacity).

Have the transport vehicles be a "dedicated" item for a team, not something
that can be rented "at will", because people will not return golf karts
until they run out of electricity. If you want them to be "on-demand", have
them dedicated to on-site transport and let them drive stuff around.


Julius / Mr. Seeker

Op zo 29 dec 2024 00:47 schreef Alex van Denzel <alex.van.denzel at gmail.com>:

> Mogguh,
> We (Team:Bar) need 1 (one) golfcart for buildup, event and teardown. Gator
> (petrol/diesel) is not necessary, an electric golfcart will do nicely.
> Thanks
> --
> Alex "denz" van Denzel/Team:Bar
> On Sat, 28 Dec 2024, 20:26 Juerd Waalboer, <juerd at tnx.nl> wrote:
>> Bas Oort skribis 2024-12-28 20:04 (+0100):
>> >Waste heeft 2 gators met aanhangwagen heel opbouw, event en teardown
>> nodig.
>> Honestly, I don't get it. How have we been able to survive the previous
>> camps if this is really necessary?
>> 3 golf carts at HAR 2009 was definitely not enough, and sure, 10 at
>> SHA2017 was tight too, especially during the switchover from buildup to
>> event mode, but 20 sounds unlikely to be necessary, as does 2 for any team
>> (except highly specialized vehicles).
>> These things are crazy expensive, destroy the terrain, and are major
>> obstacles when parked. Of course we can't do without them, but I think
>> every effort should be made to reduce the number of motor vehicles needed,
>> and for the ones we really need to have, how much they're used.
>> I think many teams are ordering these out of convenience, not necessity.
>> And while I totally get that, I can't see how that would be sustainable.
>> --
>> Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,
>> Juerd Waalboer  <juerd at tnx.nl>
>> TNX
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