[why2025-orga] Team:Merch is looking for wristband and patch designs!

rowan8k hack at rowan8k.nl
Mon Dec 30 15:37:18 CET 2024

TL;DR: Contact merch at lists.why2025.org if you want to be involved in designing the control wristbands and embroidered patches

Hi all!

If you somehow haven't heard yet, the merch for WHY2025 is live \o/
But this isn't everything Team:Merch is doing, as we will also be taking on the control wristbands and some embroidered patches.

For the wristbands, we are looking for a, or multiple, designers who would like to take this on and make a cool design!
Think about the SHA2017 and MCH2022 control wristbands for reference.
If this peaks your interest at all and you feel like you have capacity in the upcoming months for this, please reach out to me directly or to merch at lists.why2025.org.
I can give you the design requirements and restrictions, and together we can make something awesome that everyone will be wearing around their wrist the whole event :D

As for the embroidered patches, throw whatever ideas you have at me!

Preferably in the form of a somewhat finished design ;)

But I'll take fun ideas that need to be worked out too :D

Looking forward to your ideas!



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