[mch2022-orga] Field day tomorrow
boekenwuurm at boekenwuurm.nl
Fri Jun 14 19:40:05 CEST 2024
Hi all,
Tomorrow, the field day on the WHY2025 terrein will take place! If you
are interested to help out, want to see the status of teams and talk
with them, or do some exploration, this is the perfect opportunity.
You can find the most up-to-date info at
Some things to notice:
* Parking has changed, see map at the wiki
* Rain is expected, the field is fairly walkable but bring boots and
rain clothes
* The main program is on Saturday, camping is posible if you came from
far away
* Please help with teardown on Sunday
* Late signup is possible.
Each team has a minute or so to give updates to the rest of the orga on
your progress and plans.
Hope to see you there,
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