[why2025-orga] Wanted: portable pullup bars, swedish ladders

Andriy Utkin hello at autkin.net
Thu Nov 7 14:13:34 CET 2024

Hi WHY2025 volunteers!

It would be very useful for kids on the camp to have opportunity to
exercise on some simple gym equipment - like pullup bars or swedish
ladders. Standalone (free-standing) only - there's no sensible way to
mount them to anything.

I mean stuff like this:


These devices are sold at very democratic prices nowadays ($100-200) so
I guess some of you might actually have some of it, and it might be
agreeable to bring them to the camp in a car.

Definitely bring your skipping ropes - no discussion needed.

We'll see with Team:Terrain about ball games.

I am personally not interested in barbells and dumbells in the context
of kids, but that could be great for somebody, no discouragement here.

Please write back to me or Team:Family if there's anything you'd like to offer.

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