[mch2021-terrain] Helping at team terrain

Arnout Engelen arnout at bzzt.net
Tue Aug 27 10:44:01 CEST 2024

Great to see so much energy around the maps!

Personally, I would like to help make the 'visitor-facing' map experience really nice for WHY. I already talked to Niene and Ruud (and Simon from Team:Accessibility) about this somewhat, but mostly in general terms and no specifics yet.

I had some fun experimenting with WHY2025-specific resources for my map app of choice, OsmAnd. This is already yielding some promising results: I put my progress so far up at https://codeberg.org/raboof/why2025-osmand-plugin and https://codeberg.org/raboof/why2025-osmand-tiles. Below is a shot of it in action (the ugly thick blue line at the top is the PoC raster overlay :) ).

I seems likely that it'd make sense to have partly separate infrastructure for the 'visitor-facing' maps vs the 'detailed' 'technical' maps for different parts of orga. Of course we shouldn't duplicate effort, so I'm happy to import data from the 'detailed technical' maps into the visitor-facing maps as necessary. I don't have any particular experience with QGis/kart/etc., so I don't have any preference there. If it gets us going I'd be happy to start talking to Team:Sysadmin and setting up some infrastructure - but I'll need you to tell me what we actually want/need in that respect :).

Another nice next step might be to add more 'Huisstijl-compatible' tiles for maps on Wiki pages such as https://wiki.why2025.org/Village:Piiindakaa%27s_awesome_test_village - we should probably at least should set up a server on shared WHY infra that can serve such tiles - likely that can be as simple as serving some static files, though.

Curious to hear your thoughts!

Kind regards,


Kind regards,


On Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 00:05, Bart de Waal wrote:
> Hi Rowan,
> Sorry for the late reply.
> We are happy to have your help! Feel free to join the user mailing list, IRC channel, and to join our meetings. The meetings are on the wiki: https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Terrain
> You can also join the orga-meetings if you are interested in helping out with WHY2025 from any team. https://wiki.why2025.org/Meetings
> In previous editions, the map was made using a 2d CAD program (Confusingly called Qcad) and a bunch of custom scripts.
> We haven't really decided if we want to keep the old infrastructure or change it around. Specifically, although you can do mapping in Qgis, it doesn't seem to be designed for designing new areas (but rather for documenting existing places). If you have more experience with QGIS and disagree with this statement, we would love to discuss with you.
> The other problem with QGIS is that it's data format doesn't seem to be very suitable for storing in git. I've found kart (https://kartproject.org/) as a possible solution, but I haven't found time to try using it yet. If you have opinions on this subject I'm also very interested.
> Sorry for not informing you in time to join the most recent meeting. We are hoping to have a discussion on the techincal infrastructure soon, and I think Redlizard will be inviting you.
> Kind Regards,
> Bart / "Uglyhack"
> On 8/10/24 2:03 PM, rowan8k wrote:
>> Hey all!
>> Some of you probably know me already, but otherwise I'm rowan8k, see https://wiki.why2025.org/User:Rowan8k
>> I'd be happy to help out with team terrain if my help would still be useful :) 
>> I have extensive academic experience with GIS, so I know my way around QGIS and ArcGIS to do GIS analysis and map making.
>> Also, I made this open GIS course if you want to get started with it yourself: https://github.com/rowan8k/fundamentals-of-gis
>> Shall I join the upcoming meeting to see if I can help out somewhere?
>> Best,
>> Rowan
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Arnout Engelen
Engelen Open Source

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