[mch2021-terrain] Helping at team terrain

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Tue Aug 27 19:43:37 CEST 2024

Hi Arnout,

I'm trying to think of where I know the name "Raboof" from, I think I 
know you from Mastodon :)

During the last orga-meeting I got a feeling a lot of people were 
wondering what is going on with terrain, so I've decided to try and be 
more responsive, even if I don't have a perfect answer.

On 8/27/24 10:44 AM, Arnout Engelen wrote:
> Great to see so much energy around the maps!
> Personally, I would like to help make the 'visitor-facing' map 
> experience really nice for WHY. I already talked to Niene and Ruud 
> (and Simon from Team:Accessibility) about this somewhat, but mostly in 
> general terms and no specifics yet.
 From my understanding in the past, the terrain team generated a 
technical map. Outputs from this were used for permits, and by the 
design team to make the big printed map (somewhere on site) and the 
booklet map. There was a script to generate tiles for some online map 
> I had some fun experimenting with WHY2025-specific resources for my 
> map app of choice, OsmAnd. This is already yielding some promising 
> results: I put my progress so far up at 
> https://codeberg.org/raboof/why2025-osmand-plugin and 
> https://codeberg.org/raboof/why2025-osmand-tiles. Below is a shot of 
> it in action (the ugly thick blue line at the top is the PoC raster 
> overlay :) ).
I think making exports for Osmand is not something the terrain team is 
interested in being responsible for, but it falls in the "Goed Idee, 
Regel Het" category.

If Team:Info wants to arrange it, it's a good example of why we want to 
keep the output formats from our mapping sessions as open as possible.

> I seems likely that it'd make sense to have partly separate 
> infrastructure for the 'visitor-facing' maps vs the 'detailed' 
> 'technical' maps for different parts of orga. Of course we shouldn't 
> duplicate effort, so I'm happy to import data from the 'detailed 
> technical' maps into the visitor-facing maps as necessary. I don't 
> have any particular experience with QGis/kart/etc., so I don't have 
> any preference there. If it gets us going I'd be happy to start 
> talking to Team:Sysadmin and setting up some infrastructure - but I'll 
> need you to tell me what we actually want/need in that respect :).
Team:Terrain generates the "technical" maps, other maps are generated 
from this. Preferably as automated as feasible, so changes can be 
incorporated without having to start over.
> Another nice next step might be to add more 'Huisstijl-compatible' 
> tiles for maps on Wiki pages such as 
> https://wiki.why2025.org/Village:Piiindakaa%27s_awesome_test_village - 
> we should probably at least should set up a server on shared WHY infra 
> that can serve such tiles - likely that can be as simple as serving 
> some static files, though.
Tiles were served in past editions, I'm not sure of the technical 
details. I believe Redlizard or Rox will know more if you need any info. 
Right now there are no tiles because there is no map.

Kind Regards,


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