[mch2021-terrain] Team:Ents (formerly Music)

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Sun Dec 1 13:36:37 CET 2024

Hi Felix,

You had me confused for a second - I didn't realize anyone was 
shepherding the forest for our event :)

There is a stage being taken over from another festival at the same 
site. I've attached a picture. I'm not sure how the responsibility for 
this is split between you and team PartyArea.

There are also a number of tents that are used for talks, I don't know 
how how late in the evening these go on for, but maybe there is space 
for you there.

Is there anything else needed?


On 11/26/24 5:49 PM, Felix Johnson wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Felix here - lead for Ents. We understand there's a few spaces that 
> usually host our programming (especially evening activities) in years 
> gone by, and I was hoping you could set out for me the spaces 
> available this year for us?
> Let me know too if you need anything else from us.
> Best,
> Felix
> 3licks
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