[mch2021-terrain] Map database access for Team Village

Gina Muuss chaos at updownup.de
Mon Dec 9 21:51:17 CET 2024

Hi all!

I already generated the database access for you.
You can find the QGIS file here 
https://cloud.ifcat.org/index.php/s/8sGK4JXMX4tjLiQ .
It should have the correct password set for all the layers, but it 
probably makes sense to also configure the database as a data source 
with the following credentials username /villages/ password 
/gj3590wope9l4s467895 /.

Let me know if I can help with anything :D


On 12/5/24 5:39 PM, Villages (Bustux) wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you very much for your response i asked around to collect the 
> next-cloud user list and apparently everybody who as resounded until 
> now (including me) still does not have a next-cloud account. I guess i 
> will first request them from the sysadmin team and come back as soon 
> as we have them?
> Kind Regards,
> Team Village
> On 05-12-2024 16:40, Gina Muuss wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Thanks for reaching out! You are absolutely on our list to get access.
>> In order to get access there are two things required:
>> a) Database credentials
>> b) VPN access
>> For the database credentials your team will get a shared account that 
>> I will provide to you.
>> VPN access is slightly more complicated. We use Wireguard and each 
>> configuration can only be used by one person at any given time. This 
>> means that you will need personalized VPN credentials. (Note that if 
>> you try to use the same config concurrently there won't be a direct 
>> error, it will just behave very weirdly.)
>> In order to provide these we need a list of nextcloud-usernames with 
>> everyone that should get access.
>> Could you provide me with such a list?
>> If you notice later that more people need access we can always add 
>> them, but there is also no harm in generating one for everyone on 
>> your team now, even if they may never use it.
>> Best,
>> Gina
>> On 05-12-2024 14:26, Villages (Bustux) via Terrain wrote:
>>> Hey Team,
>>> we as Team village would like to have access to the map database. We 
>>> thought it might be the easiest to have one shared account for the 
>>> team because we want everybody to be able to access the maps. Is 
>>> this an option or do we need accounts per person.
>>> Kind Regard Team Village
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