[mch2021-terrain] Mapping Git Repository

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Thu Jun 27 22:43:38 CEST 2024


 From the terrain meetup I understood that the map is being kept track 
of in some kind of Git repository. Where can I find this?

I had a look at the available hight data online, there is the "AHN" 
(Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland). 

This is 5cm accurate 50x50cm resolution height data, which is going to 
be hard to beat with our own survey for the whole field at least. 
Interestingly, it shows the location of the tractor pull stuff has 
changed with 2023, so I guess we can't count on the current location 
staying the same.

I have acquired some RTK-capable (high-accuracy) GPS modules and antenna 
for any surveying we do want to do. I still need to get this set up, and 
it would be nice to get something better for portable use than dragging 
around a laptop. It might even be fun to see if I can get the mch2022 
badge working for that.

I just had a walk around the field, which right now is set up for the 
"Indian Summer" festival on saturday. The main thing I can rapport is a 
lot of mosquitos :)


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