[mch2021-terrain] Logistics terrain questions

Manduca manduca at why2025.org
Fri Nov 15 22:45:38 CET 2024

Hi team terrain,

We have a few questions.
Is there a new version of the map?
We had some worries about the campers beside the entrance road 
(LSD-trip) to our storage terrain (LSD, Logistics Storage Domain) on the 
second version. Was wondering if that has been changed already.

Warehouse is worried about the location and size of the warehouse on the 
last map. So we were wondering about that.

And I was wondering if there are any updated ideas about logistics 
traffic routes. Guess we need to start planning those.

Is terrain in charge of the roadplates? We need some at the LSD.
Teamlead Logistics WHY2025

Hacking logistics since 1997

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