[mch2021-terrain] Logistics terrain questions

Gina Muuss ginamuuss at updownup.de
Tue Nov 19 11:19:19 CET 2024

Dear Manduca,

Yesterday evening we have made a new version, you can find the DXF 
export here https://cloud.ifcat.org/index.php/s/3sbEw4sq8c4RdBD and a 
PDF here https://wiki.why2025.org/images/f/f3/Why2025Map.pdf .
Note that we don't work in the DXF format directly and this is an export 
from our PostGis database. Please let know if there are any issues with 
the format. We can also give you access to the PostGis database if that 
is helpful for you.

Warehouse and Heaven are moved in the newest draft and we look forward 
to your feedback!

If we are talking about external logistics traffic routes, our plan is 
to route traffic from West to East. This way the suppliers come past the 
logistic area first, without driving through the entire terrain.
It also lines up with our plans for the routes for visitor car traffic, 
where traffic comes from the roundabout in the North and then follows East.

We are in charge of the roadplates, please let us know if you have more 
Otherwise we will plan something that we think is reasonable.


On 11/15/24 10:45 PM, Manduca via Terrain wrote:
> Hi team terrain,
> We have a few questions.
> Is there a new version of the map?
> We had some worries about the campers beside the entrance road 
> (LSD-trip) to our storage terrain (LSD, Logistics Storage Domain) on 
> the second version. Was wondering if that has been changed already.
> Warehouse is worried about the location and size of the warehouse on 
> the last map. So we were wondering about that.
> And I was wondering if there are any updated ideas about logistics 
> traffic routes. Guess we need to start planning those.
> Is terrain in charge of the roadplates? We need some at the LSD.

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