[mch2021-terrain] review of tent order

Rox why2025 at rox.gay
Tue Oct 22 22:38:17 CEST 2024

Hi team,

I made a comparison between the tent order that is open now and the 
tents from MCH

Some things to note are:

  * I only saw 2 bars on the order
  * There is no Retro or Haven lounge
  * The track 3 & 6 are significantly smaller
  * There is an extra track 7

*Naam op overzicht* 	*Sqm2* 	*Vorig jaar* 	*Verschil met mch* 
*Theoretische capaciteit* 	*capaciteit obv mch* 	*Aantal (nood) 
uitgangen vrije doorgang*
* 	*
* 	*
* 	*
* 	*
* 	*
* 	*
Track 2 	1000 	1024 	-24 	2.250 	1.000 	8
Track 3 	500 	1024 	-524 	1.125 	500 	4
Vrijwilligerseetzaal 	500 	500 	0 	1.200 	400 	3
Track 6 	225 	1024 	-799 	506 	225 	2
Workshop 3 	225 	225 	0 	450 	150 	2
Silent Lounge 	225 	225 	0 	
	150 	2
Badge 	225 	225 	0 	450 	150 	2
Info 	225 	225 	0 	
	150 	2
NOC 	225 	144 	81 	
	60 	2
Workshop 1 	200 	180 	20 	400 	100 	2
Supermarkt 	200 	150 	50 	
	20 	2
Arcade 	200 	200 	0 	
	100 	2
Workshop 2 	150 	150 	0 	300 	100 	2
Savety (Fire-First-Aid-Security) 	225 	125 	100 	
	25 	2
Family vilage 1 & 2
	300 	300 	0 	600 	100 	2
Volunteer Kitchen 	100 	100 	0 	
Productie huis 	100 	100 	0 	
POC 	100 	100 	0 	
Deco 	100 	100 	0 	
Z-CERT 	100 	150 	-50 	300 	
Bar 1 & 2
	300 	432 	-132 	
Party Stage 	390 	60 	330 	
Track 7 	200 	
	200 	600 	
CTF 	50 	50 	0 	150 	
Speaker (Greenroom) 	50 	50 	0 	
Merch 	50 	50 	0 	
Bar 3 	
	216 	-216 	

I calculated the emergency exits also, tracks 2,3 and heaven need some 
additional exits, for all other tents >25m² the required amount is 2

The capacity based on the square meters is higher than it actually was 
at MCH, using this capacity will require more emergency exits

The theoretical capacity has been calculated based on:

  * All (emergency) exits have doors that open to more than 135 degrees
    and have no stairs

  * For the tracks based on 75% op the space (the rest is
    stage/VOC/etc.) with linked chairs
  * all the rest with seats and lose or stationary obstacles and 100% of
    the space (actual calculations will thus be lower as there will be
    stuff placed there.

Kind regards,

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