[mch2021-terrain] Feedback draft 2

elger elger at johnkr.com
Tue Sep 10 19:53:09 CEST 2024

Hi Thice,

We didn't place the CTF tent now because you can be in charge of the location due to the mentioned flexibility. So your mail with a suggestion is pretty-much spot on and we'll add it to the next mapping session. :)

Elger / Stitch

> On Sep 10, 2024, at 19:38, Thice <why2025 at thice.nl> wrote:
> Hi Team:Terrain,
> Great work on all of the information you already put together on the terrain. The photos and drone images combined with the map really give a good overview of it all.
> Great work as well on the second draft of the terrain, except for a tiny issue: Between draft 1 and draft 2 it seems that our CTF tent got lost somehow ;-) 
> For the next draft: We are quite flexible on where we are placed, but we think it would be best to be somewhere in Desert South. The CTF players tend to play till very late at night, so we want to avoid being a nuisance to other campers. The currently empty spot next to the bridge in the top right of Desert South might be a good spot. But if that does not fit feel free to place us somewhere else on that field. 
> If you need any information from us please let us know. 
> Kind regards,
> Thijs
> Team:CTF
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