[mch2021-terrain] Shuttle drop off / pick up
Hugh Wells
hugh at crablab.uk
Sun Sep 29 00:58:31 CEST 2024
Hey Konmei,
Thanks for the mail!
That might work quite well for us actually. The shuttles will run during the evening as well, but more "on demand" and at much lower frequency.
Please do let us know how this progresses. In particular it would be good to know where this will be within the parking area 🙂
-------- Original Message --------
On 25/09/2024 11:00, konmei <ccc at wedrich.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I saw this message on the terrain mailing list and am replying on behalf
> of team:parking.
> There will be a temporary parking area, where people can park if they
> arrive during night times, when parking is closed. This area might be
> ideal to share with the shuttles, which operate during day only, as far
> as I understood. Also, we are thinking of a "kiss and ride" area, so
> this might be worth combining as well.
> Details are currently being worked out by team:parking, mainly Rick (in
> copy, parking mail is unfortunately not yet set up), so from my
> perspective it makes sense to keep in touch about this topic.
> Best regards,
> konmei
> Am 18.09.2024 um 12:33 schrieb Hugh Wells via Terrain:
> > Hey,
> >
> > Following our conversation at the meet-up, I wanted to check in with the ideas for the shuttle pick up/drop off location.
> >
> > There are a few hard requirements:
> > - We need enough space to disgorge people and luggage without obstructing access roads, footpaths, bikepaths or other thoroughfares.
> > - There needs to be a way for us to turn the vans around for them to go back out. Ideally not with reversing as from a risk assessment point of view, it's dangerous and something we should look to avoid where possible. We'd prefer the vans to be able to drive forward and out, or to be able to turn around in an area without people (eg. LHQ).
> > - I understand there is a strong preference for the drop off/pick up point to be outside the entrance gates for wristbanding purposes. This wasn't the case at MCH and caused confusion.
> >
> > We are keen to run as frequent shuttles as we can, so the efficiency of the above is important to us. The quicker we can safely turn around on site, the more people we can move.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Hugh
> >
> >
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