[sha2017-orga] Booklet feedback request, BEFORE wednesday 20:00

Ultratux techinc techinc at ultratux.org
Tue Jul 11 14:28:18 CEST 2017

On 07/11/2017 01:20 PM, Elger Jonker wrote:
> Ohai,
> Below is a link to the booklet.
> As we expect lots of feedback, please share feedback in a brief, bulleted list with page number per item. That way we can process it sequentially and be reasonably sure all items have been handled. <blink> Do this before Wednesday evening 20:00. </blink>

The booklet looks and is fantastic !!

However, that said, I'm pretty darn good at spotting typos et al, so
here is my list of spotted errors/corrections nonetheless: :)

Page 4 paragraph 3: typo

 lot’s  -> lots

Page 7 paragraph last: omission

 If someone else is need of ->
 If someone else is in need of

Page 8 paragraph 2: typos

in tact -> intact
sewerage -> sewage

Page 8 paragraph Waste: typos

Pretty sure that "then" has to be "than"... but ask a native speaker if
still in doubt.

sigarettes -> cigarettes

Page 8, paragraph Photos/video: typos

hesistate -> hesitate
persons -> person's

page 9, paragraph Fire: typo

buthane -> butane

page 9, paragraph Villages: typo

precations -> precautions

page 10, paragraph 2 & 4: possible typo

I think it is telephone network, not telephony network.

page 11, 1st paragraph: typo

it's -> its

page 11, paragraph 8: wrongness

"a an (educational)" ? the 'a' is likely unwanted.

page 13 (Map): typo

Babage -> Babbage

page 20, 1st paragraph: typo

tthe -> the

page 20, 2nd paragraph: wrongness

"we have a offer a safe haven"
  probably needs to become
"we have to offer a safe haven"
 or perhaps rather
"we have a safe haven to offer"

page 22, "when leaving camp" paragraph: typo

sigarettes -> cigarettes

page 22, last  paragraph: awkward wording

"telling this in the Angel system" is not wrong per se, but maybe
"remarking this in the Angel system" or "putting a note in the Angel
system" is phrased better...


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