[mch2022-orga] Requests from sponsors

Tom Clement (Halcyon) tom at mch2022.org
Sat Apr 9 14:37:21 CEST 2022

Hi all,

FYI: I’m telling sponsors to reach out to e.g. the safety and terrain teams for some of the ideas they have for bringing cool things to the camp, that they might need water/power/space/safety precautions for, to team content about suggestions that might be interesting for our programme, etc.

It's important for us all to keep in mind to treat these requests and ideas as we would those of other visitors. In the noncommercial spirit of Dutch hackercamps, our sponsor policy for MCH mentions that sponsors are seen as normal visitors on the field, with all rights of visitors and no special treatment.

All sponsors know about this, and are very understanding about it. So be sure you don’t feel any pressure to do things you wouldn’t do otherwise.

Have a great weekend, and talk soon ✌️

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Tom Clement (Halcyon)
Team Projectleiding MCH2022
tom at mch2022.org <mailto:tom at mch2022.org> | www.mch2022.org <https://www.mch2022.org/>

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