[mch2021-orga] Minutes Orga Jitsi 2022 03 09

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Thu Mar 10 10:47:57 CET 2022


Also on the wiki, here:


== Minutes Orga Jitsi 2022 03 09 ==
Present: 23 people

=== Team:Projectleiding === 
	• * Breakpoint: unanimous continue
	• Minutes: https://wiki.mch2022.org/BreakpointMeetingPL-2022-03-02
	• * Extra tent contract signed, among others: the angel kitchen (20x25m), heaven, visitor pagode and entertainment
	• * There will be a ticket swap page for those who want to sell their ticket to someone else. Link: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Ticket_Exchange
	• * Map is being built, will be shown/discussed next orga meet Saturday
	• * Orga meet next saturday: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_March_2022
	• * 16 pin terminals have been donated

=== Team:Content === 

 Current schedule:  
     - CfP closed 
     - Reviewing has started 
     - Extra attention to submitters who need a Visa 
     - Announcing sessions per blog post when e.g. highly rated and confirmed 
     - Acceptance notifications to submitters latest end of April 
     - Half of May vote on submissions you rate the highest 
     - Half of June 3 day sticky note / schedule creation weekend 
     - Full Schedule as quickly as possible afterwards 

=== Team:Deco ===
First expenditures done. June 1st is the deadline to have things ready for transport.
Will be things ready next saturday.

=== Team:Terrain ===
Working hard on the map. 

=== Team:Badge ===
Currently sourcing components. We can still get them, got the budget for this. This weekend there will be worked on the design to accomodate latest changes.
The current budget will allow for 3500 badges for the event visitors

=== Team:family ===
Starting up. Have been coordinating about the location.

=== Team:Moebelhaus ===
Ordering tables/chairs for teams via manduca. manduca at mch2022.org

=== Team: ===

=== Closing ===

De Speld dropped a clip on the new data center in Zeewolde: https://speld.nl/2022/03/09/partij-tegen-de-burger-zeewolde-meer-data-minder-u/

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