[mch2021-orga] Minutes orga jitsi 23 March 2022
Elger Jonker
elger at ifcat.org
Wed Mar 23 20:53:59 CET 2022
Hi all,
These are the minutes of todays orga jitsi. Also on the wiki:
== Minutes ==
People in meeting: ±27
=== [[Team:Projectleiding]] ===
* Extra pysical orga meeting (16 April 2022 @ Bitlair from 14:30)
** Sign up: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_April_2022
* Number of badges has been settled on 3500, first come first serve
* The price for hoodies has been raised a bit cause of production cost hike (and we're still losing on it...)
* For visitor parking we're using the farmer fields again, and are colaborating with nawaka and de wereld for convenience (and cost reduction)
* The logistical area will be at the front of the site, where there already is a parking area.
* Arranging permit submission: roughly a week for contributions. Last call is on the 28th of March.
=== [[Team:Merch]] ===
Renders have been shared on the "the twitter". There will be samples soon(tm).
=== [[Team:Volunteers]] ===
The most awesome spot on the field for heaven. Nice and central in the event.
Angel system signup will start opening soon(tm): for sweatshops for badge/decoration etc.
Working on food, stuff is moving.
=== [[Team:ROC]] ===
We have a mailinglist now (roc at lists.mch2022.org). Please send in your request for equipment asap!
=== [[Team: Content]] ===
* Busy reviewing
* First discussions with speakers who need financial support and/or who need a Visa
* We asked for 10 hotel rooms for speakers, in February it was mentioned that hotel rooms are reserved, how many did we get and from which date to which date? 6 for speakers.
=== [[Team:Deco]] ===
Deco update:
* bulk order of cool dichroic film has been placed
* project "kaleidoscope" prototype looking good, will plan mass production soon, hopefully
* other projects are also prototyping
* shipping is hella expensive and shortages of everything drive up the prices for us too 😦
=== [[Team:Badge]] ===
Will stay within the main budget, but might run over the production budget (eating into the team buffer budget).
Version 4 has been designed and prototyped. Working on demos for hype.
On twitter we're now: @BadgeteamNL
Looking for contributers for software: for the OS, FPGA and WebIDE.
=== [[Team:Finance]] ===
If you need a bank card for your team, to pay in shops or online: finance at mch2022.org
Because of new laws we need PII for this, otherwise TERRORISM.
=== [[Team:content]] ===
Talking to people who need help or Visa assistance.
=== [[Team:Warehouse]] ===
Mail will be sent to buy you stuff, we do shopping runs.
=== [[Team:Sysadmin]] ===
PSA: Sometime this week or the next week we'll be moving over the mailing lists to lists.mch2022.org. Sending to lists.mch2021.org will continue to work for compatibility.
=== [[Team:Terrain]] ===
Worked on a new draft for the physical layout (visible on map.mch2022.org)
You can verify if you're looking at the new one if there is a lot of tenst on it... like 3 stages. You can clear cache by opening the inspection tools or use cmd/ctrl shift r f5 fullmoon.
Some important points
- We settled on a particilar location of the food area
- The stages are on the main field, close to the road and have a nice walkable distance
- There is now a sensible location for the smaller tents... for example: team tents are not in a cluster anymore, but directly connected to the main road
- As a general rule, the noise gradient is louder towards the north
=== [[Team:Logistics]] ===
Boels order is being finalized, must be done quickly as stuff is getting scarce (already less tables than we wanted).
More information about the Orga
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