[mch2021-orga] Help wanted for team Bar

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Thu Mar 24 20:27:40 CET 2022

Hi everyone, we really need your help in finding one or two people to take
charge of Team Bar. The current teamlead is in some rough weather, and it's
time to give them some room for that.

Poke around in your network (or volunteer yourself!) for someone to lead
Team Bar. Experience is desired but not required. Main skills needed are
the ability to talk to vendors, maintain lists and schedules, figure out
what everybody wants to drink ;) etc. There is plenty of people around who
can help think and advise, but we need someone to take ownership.

The vacancy is specifically for team Bar. Party (music/entertainment) and
Foodcourt are already being organized, so its "just" the main Bar and the
sidebars. Drinks and snacks, HACCP and some other things.

If you think you are the one, or know the one, please let me know!


Bas / Sebastius
team Volunteers
"Alles naar de volunteering"

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