[mch2021-terrain] Parking Map

Bart de Waal bart at tuduft.nl
Fri Dec 13 01:21:31 CET 2024

Hi Konmei,

We will want to discuss a number of points with them then, there's a 
couple of ways the map isn't very realistic.

  * There's no place on the road for the night parking. The road itself
    needs to be kept clear for safety routes
  * there are existing gates that we want to use
  * there is a hill going through your queue area
  * The road above where you drew the fence on the right is part of the
    rented area, which will provide a convenient route to P2.

Kind Regards,


On 12/12/24 11:59 AM, konmei wrote:
> Hi Gina,
> this is konmei, I will be your contact point for team:parking.
> Regarding map changes: I will have an account (for team:villlages) 
> anyway, so I will be able to do changes. However, I assume it is much 
> quicker if you could establish the initial layout on the map. We have 
> a very specific idea how it should look like and also want to ensure 
> the layout supports a few dedicated functions (queuing areas to not 
> block the road etc.). We are currently working on the detailed sketch 
> and will provide you as soon as possible.
> I will likely not be at the in person meeting, but Rick and leyrer 
> will, it might make sense to quickly align for the initial layout there.
> Best regards,
> konmei
> Am 03.12.2024 um 00:03 schrieb Gina Muuss:
>> Dear Team:Parking,
>> I hope you are doing well!
>> Team:Terrain is currently getting started on the finer details of the 
>> map, which includes the layout of the Parking space.
>> You may have noticed that we have put a placeholder pattern for 
>> parking spaces on the permit map, but we would love for this 
>> placeholder to get replaced with actual data.
>> There are several options for doing this, which are all fine for us, 
>> just let us know which one works best for you:
>> a) You get access to the Map Database via QGIS and edit the layer 
>> directly. This does require some techy knowledge, but nothing 
>> incredibly specific. This has the most flexibility for you in terms 
>> of changing stuff around. (On Wednesday there will be a short intro 
>> to QGIS and the Database, feel free to wait for that to make a decision)
>> b) You describe to us what you want (a drawing would be awesome) and 
>> we convert that into map data. If we do it this way it would be good 
>> if we could limit the number of mayor revisions as much as possible 
>> because the conversion takes significant effort.
>> c) We have an online meeting and look at stuff together and go from 
>> there.
>> Please let me know what course of action you prefer.
>> Best,
>> Gina
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